Today I was struggling for inspiration. The kids wouldn't have gone with it and light was lousy anyway. I was in the kitchen a lot this afternoon baking for a picnic tomorrow and also making dinner etc just staring out the window and noticed that we had some purple flowers that had bloomed. As well as a terrible cook I am a very ordinary gardener so I couldn't tell you what they are and by the looks of them today, they must have been out for a while! While I was out there I took a walk around and snapped some of the different colours. I'm not much of a nature photographer but I quite enjoyed my 5 minutes of piece and quiet on my own!

Isn't it amazing the little things you notice now when photographing. Things you would probably have passed over. Love it.
Oh absolutely! It was only because I was thinking about yesterdays task that I got out there and found those 5 minutes to breathe and of course was able to appreciate what we have out there!
Ok, (if I'm allowed to offer a little constructive criticism...) the background is a little too out of focus.
I'm thinking this is maybe an area this blog can be used to practice upon? ;p Living in the wildlife capital and all...
Certainly allowed Scott, all criticism is taken on board!
For the record I was aiming for a very small point of focus which I guess does not translate to the viewer when the image is displayed so small, something I will need to think about in the future.
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