Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 59

As my sister always says . . "Thunderbolts and lightening, very, very frightening"! Well I know Queen said it first but she said it today lol!

The rain came on fast and heavy this afternoon right on pick up. I walked to pick up the kids from school not believing it would every rain, let's face it, we've had storm clouds for weeks and not a drop so why would today be any different?! Well it was and boy did we get wet walking home - but it was cool, not as if it was cold (it's still 32.3 degrees - 8 degrees cooler than it was at 1.30pm!).
Thankfully though the REALLY heavy stuff stayed away until we got home and boy did it bucket down! Poor Isabella had kittens from the sound of the thunder and Scarlett was oddly quiet. Josh and I however were hanging out the door trying to get photos and dodging the rain as it blew in!
We have a bit of a clean up but no where near as much as friends. One friend's ceiling collapsed and another was very lucky, the water is lapping at her door step!

This was our backyard. The image does not do the rain justice, it was heavy and there was a LOT of it!

Our front yard and road - the water came up to over the footpath so the road was a little flooded.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 57 & 58

I am way behind this weekend with blogging but it's been such a busy one and I'm only getting to edit everything now!

Yesterday I attended the wedding of a long time friend of Brett and his family as a guest which was lovely, nice and relaxing to be able to put the camera down and listen to their vows and just take in the beautiful moments.

The photo I have chosen is of the moment when the groom realised that his Mum and older sister, who live in NSW, had made it for wedding as a surprise. My goodness you would have to have had a hardened heart not to have teared up just a little watching the surprise unfold!

Today's Pic was a hard one to choose as it was Joshua's birthday and I visited a very brand new baby and her family. So I will add two in the order they were taken.

The first is obviously of baby Pippa and her big (little!) sister Kailee.

The second is of Josh and his mates strategising in between laser tag games! See how sweaty and horrible they all are!! Actually I have to add two here as well! Even though the first pic isn't flash, I love the way they are in a huddle with arms around one another! I find it funny and little disturbing that in war they are bound together physically where as ask any of them to hug one another on any other day and you would get a quick YUCK!

Then they had to sit together, again sweaty and hot but huddled so as not to give away their secrets!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 56

Some people will do anything to get out of the heat . . even as far as going to the hospital to have a baby lol!

Kris & Chris finally had their baby today, a new little girl. Congratulations on the birth of baby Pippa, she will be loved by her brothers and sister and all the clucky aunties from school!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 55

It's been a tough day, nothing much going on, just hot, everyone bothered and I just can't be bothered! I have zumba tonight and when I took this pic I was undecided - the good angel and the devil were on either shoulder egging me on! I am dressed in my work out clothes and I'll be off as soon as I finish this post. I guess then I can eat a chocolate without feeling overly guilty!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 54

Another busy baby day today and my photographic opportunities were limited. So I copped out and took a quick pic of afternoon tea. Funny though, I don't eat kiwi fruit and I think it's quite a funny looking thing but it was only after taking and editing the pic that I realised that the black in it were actually seeds! Yeah I know, I'm a bit slow to cop on to things!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 53

Just me and the smallest one at home today having a quiet one. We did go out for "coffee" (well a milk shake and a coke zero!) this morning with a couple of Mums from school but then it was straight home and time to get stuck into the house work.

I wont post a pic of my manky mop or spray and wipe etc (although I was thinking about knocking up a quick still life of the cleaning products lol!), instead here is my baby being a dag outside and making friends with our old and very patient cat!

Poor Abby, if you look closely you can see her mouth saying "help me"! Scarlett just loves her though so Abby puts up with it and then runs off and hides when she's had enough.

And one more cause I just like it! Neither are fab pics I must say but they are pics from today!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52

I had a bits and pieces day today and got a lot done although I still have sooooo much work work to do (as opposed to house work and personal work which there is also so much to do!). In between all of the running around though I had two very different clients, a revisit with baby Ewan who wasn't all that thrilled with seeing me the first time and was still not very fond of me today! We managed to extract a few smiles though and what a gorgeous smile he has! The second client was also a revisit, this time to photograph some more angles of equipment for EMIT.

This is baby Ewan looking gorgeous and cheeky for the camera! I have a photo of Scarlett around the same area which I love and I love this one too . . . I should probably visit the spot more often!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 51

Another work day which, for any other job, you would have heard me complaining (and boy did I working at shifts at Telstra!) but not this one! I don't know if it's because it's MY business or simply because I love taking photos, but I love my job and I don't even mind that I work all weekend.

Day 50

A week ago, after 2.5 years of at least weekly grocery shopping trips, Scarlett finally caught on that she could chuck tantrums and try to climb out of the trolley and make my time at the shops hell! I'll give her credit when it's due, it did take her 2.5 yrs to try it on and I am grateful that she hadn't tried it earlier!

So in a bit of a flap with more groceries to buy, the Dora Ap that they had been hammering on Foxtel flashed in my brain and I decided to give it a whirl. I would have paid thousands for it but the lovely people at Nickelodeon only charged me $2.95 - $2.95 for some peace and quiet - what wonderful people! (Yeah yeah I know Scott, it's because of these people that our kids brains are turning to mush and rely on these things where as back in our day . . . . . well it's not our day lol!).

Anyway, since it's been downloaded, little miss tries to sneak off with my phone at any chance she can get! Last night at a family dinner she was quite happy perched on her Dad's knee playing with it. I have to admit, it is quite cute and fascinating that she knows exactly how to work my phone to find and play with the game and also to get into my itunes and listen to music!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 49

Yep failed again, I missed yesterday. If it helps, nothing interesting happened and I was busy cleaning and working all day! Although I did have an idea . . I was going to take a pic of my runners and socks after Zumba last night but I was too stuffed!
This afternoon while Josh was practicing his guitar I grabbed my camera and took some shots. I just love the look of concentration on his face, he takes everything so seriously!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 47

Ohhhhh who broke the sky?

Heavy clouds . . can we have some rain please! Humidity killing me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 46

Yep I know, I'm reaching with today's pic but I have been busy OK!!

I admit that I did have big plans for today with lots of cleaning, working and of course playing with Scarlett but it seems life just got in the way.

Instead I woke up tired after a certain little miss wanted to play all night (so at least she is not totally neglected, I did play with her, just not in daylight hours!) and all motivation for cleaning went by the wayside.

Then I got onto a roll and edited all day while poor old tired Scarlett lay on the couch and vegged for the most part!

After school the rush was crazy with kids Zumba at 4pm, groceries at Woolies straight after (awesome, love doing it with 3 kids - NOT!) and then to a P&C meeting at 6pm. So yes, it got to 10.30pm and I realised that I hadn't taken today's pic so here it is, evidence that I worked today!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 45

We received a special package in the post a couple of days ago and I thought it was very fitting to share it today!

Thank you so much Jade, this is just too sweet!! The kids thought it was awesome too!

Jade has done some awesome things in the lead up to valentines day, our gift just being one of them. Check out her blog: !

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 44

Back again with the actual photo of today!

I had a lovely session with a gorgeous family this afternoon, the sun was shining, the grass was green and lush and the little girls were just too cute!

I was going to pop in a black and white one but I seem to be a b&w processing mood these days so decided to go for colour in today's blog post.

Day 43

Just a little late but I was too tired to update on time!
Last night I photographed a surprise wedding! Guests were invited to and attended an 'engagement party' thrown by a gorgeous and fun couple. An hour after everyone arrived and the pair had mingled, the bride snuck off to change into her gown and then the wedding was announced! There were shrieks of surprise and happiness and a few I knew it's but in reality, even though guests came from as far as Scotland and New Zealand, not too many of the party did know.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 42

Today was the the day of the big shoot and I admit, I was nervous! However A and R from the company were absolutely lovely and, although full on and a solid few hours work, it was comfortable and there were a couple of laughs, the best type of job!

I shot 8 pieces of equipment as well as masses of cables and cords and bits and pieces - very technical huh! I did find it very interesting however and in my own head had little day dreams as to what each piece did. For instance The DigiAtlantis could have come straight from the set of Stargate! The Fluxgate I named the flux capacitor from Back to the Future! Daggy I know but I am easily occupied!

This one of the pieces which was very James Bond, came in it's own metal brief case!

(For the rule followers out there, I have a property release form allowing me to publish these pics!)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 41

Last week I met with what was a potential client in an industry I was not very familiar with to shoot their products I had no idea about! To say I was a little nervous was an understatement but I love a challenge and I have had commercial shooting experience so we met and agreed to work together and tomorrow the shoot begins!

Today in preparation I received 7 crates and a 3m long tube which house all of the equipment that I will be shooting and it's just sitting there calling out for me to open it up and check it all out but it's expensive stuff and I REALLY don't want to be that person who broke it!

So for today, my photo is of the crates! Hopefully tomorrow I will have a little snippet of what's inside!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

day 40

Today, phew today! Today was the first day that Stella came to stay while my sister went to work. I admit, I was very nervous, as was my sister I bet (even if she did say that she trusted me completely!!) but I tried my hardest to be calm. Sure there were a few moments when Stella and Scarlett were crying at the same time and my blood pressure rose a tad but I got over it, had no choice! By this afternoon Stella and I had become friends and Scarlett gave up and went to sleep (jealousy plus!).
Stella is coming back tomorrow and I'm feeling much better about it! What's the worse that can happen, they'll both cry again?! Ah well, so I sit on the couch cuddling children, it's a hard life!

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 39

It's quite obvious that school is back, the house is sort of tidy again, I am up and dressed waaay earlier and our afternoons are jam packed again!

This afternoon's activity was a new one for us but one both Josh and Bel can participate in together - kids Zumba! It was a bit of a rush, well a LOT of a rush, home from school, homework, change into Zumba clothes, a quick snack and then out the door again but we did it and the kids had a ball.

This pic was taken after the class had finished which is why Scarlett was in there grooving but the music stayed on for a bit longer so the kids rocked on for a bit!

This picture is just because I can lol!

This picture is quite funny to me. I did have half a thought of taking the kids to Maccas on the way home because I had a but of a rush to get ready myself for Zumba later this evening. The kids were quite ratty on the way home though so I was grumpy and said no Maccas, inside thinking that it was a pretty bad choice to have even thought about it in the first place - oops! So instead they had fruit and salad and chicken, much healthier AND they loved it!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38

I worked this morning and met a gorgeous little 13 month old boy and his Mum and Dad on location but the poor little mite was tired and teething (not a good combo!) and just wasn't feeling it! He gave me some serious faces, he gave me maybe a smirk but I also captured his gorgeous little pout! Hopefully when we catch up again in a fortnight he has a smile for me!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37

Today I photographed a very special 60th wedding anniversary. It was a wonderful celebration of love and family with four generations in attendance, one of the great grandchildren was only a week and a half old! Of course I covered the whole party however, me being me, was drawn to a very gorgeous one and a half year old with big blue eyes and gorgeous lips. A child photographers dream who smiled for me and did not try to run away!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36

What a loooong but fun 24 hours! After our late bedtime last night, ALL of the kids were up at the absolute crackers this morning (FIVE FOURTY FIVE!) and boy were they awake! I guess the upside of this is that we all had a cooked breakfast, were all showered, dressed, hair done, snacks and drink bottles filled and at the zoo 45 minutes away by 10:30am!

I was never worried about taking the 6 kids to the zoo with only Brett and I as supervising adults and nor should I have! They were all excellently behaved, not an argument, barely a complaint and lots of fun was had! We wearily (Brett and I, the kids were still rocking!) pulled back into our driveway at 6pm tonight and are now chilling out before bed. Fingers crossed that the kids have a bit of a sleep in tomorrow, they need it!

Only happy snaps today, the kids suggested all of photos I took, otherwise I may not have bothered getting the camera out (I would have used the good old iphone though which is much lighter!). So even though the kids looks less than thrilled in some pics, they asked for them!

We just arrived all clean and fresh (oh golly did the kids get filthy throughout the day!)

Still clean, just through the gate and had all just been given the rules for the day (only 2 rules -listen and do what I say!)

Just after this was taken a large kangaroo moseyed on past and freaked the daylights out of the kids for a second . . I mean, what on earth was an animal doing walking around a zoo lol!

In front of the Numbat enclosure . . . which we couldn't actually see because it seems they are afraid of noise and, well, 6 kids = noise!

The last pic before icecream and playground time! I am wondering though if they wanted a pic here just for a rest?!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35

A late one tonight but I have just made it!
Tonight we are hosting a sleep over of sorts and currently asleep there are 2 seven year olds, 2 six year olds and 2 two and a half year olds! Yes it was a bit of a mission to get them all to sleep after the movie and some snacks but all is quiet . . although I am fully expecting a very early one tomorrow morning!

Earlier in the evening they all sat and watched a movie with some chips and lollies! After the movie the 4 big kids crashed on the blow up mattress they are pictured sitting on here and the babies......

Are sleeping side by side on mattresses in Scarlett's room! So, so cute!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34

My little possum has been out of sorts without her big brother and sister so this morning I decided just to muck around with her, chill out, have some fun, try to get that smile back. It wasn't happening till we bonked noses and, like the twisted thing she is, she thought that was hilarious! So then of course I grabbed the camera as she was finally back to her happy self and got some shots.

This is miss giggly mid giggle! Two seconds later we bumped heads again and it was back to square one! Ah well, will try to find that laugh again later!!

I just had to add this image to keep a record of some of the funny things she does! While we were playing she was 'hiding'. When she hides she goes by the theory that if she can't see anyone then they can't see her! Today she was hiding from me!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33

School went back today :( This morning went by with minimal arguments and we managed to get out of the door in plenty of time, I even managed to straighten my hair! Let's see how long this organisation and time management last!

Isabella was very happy about returning and it feels like nothing has really changed as she has the same teacher and the same class room, both of which I am very happy about! Joshua was much more apprehensive not knowing the teacher and his classroom being miles away from the little block where he has been since Pre Primary. He has a great bunch of kids in his class though so I'm hoping he will get back into the groove by the end of the week.

I miss the big kids but Scarlett REALLY misses them. Since dropping them off this morning she has been sad, cuddly and just plain out of sorts. I know she is going to be very excited and happy this afternoon at pick up time!

I have a few pics today to share as they were just too damn cute and in the best spirits!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32

I have tried to be super efficient today with loads and loads of washing washed, dried and put away, uniforms ironed and I was planning on baking for the new school year but I didn't get to that! Instead my Mum and sister visited which was a nice way to spend the final day of the school holidays.

School goes back tomorrow and in my quest to be more organised I ironed ALL of the uniforms & gathered their underwear which means that Isabella has 5 full days of polo shirts, skorts/skirts, socks and knickers & Josh with 4 full days of the works as well (Isabella gets Josh's hand-me-down Polo's which is why she has more). The kids are prepped with what to do when they wake up tomorrow and all going well I will have enough time to take some first day of school photos without rushing! Well that's the plan, we'll see how it pans out.

On one hand I am excited for them about returning, they know the kids in their classes and their teachers and they are more than ready to get back into routine and time apart. However our lazy days are over for another year, the end of the Summer school holidays always has me a bit sad!