Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 98

This was the last day of the workshop and I almost grabbed hold of Ainslie's leg as I was leaving to beg her to stay, I still have sooo much to learn and I am not ready to go on alone!! That would have been embarrassing and thankfully I have a smidge of self control so kept walking!

We didn't photograph anything on this day but talked business the whole time, so, so informative, life changing really. Now just to get up the guts to make the changes.

I wasn't going to photograph anything either however as I tucked Scarlett back in before I went to bed I found her curled up in a pose not unlike the newborns we had photographed earlier in the week! So cute! Yeah a bit of a cop out, you can only photograph your sleeping children so many times in the year but hey, this one was in context!

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