Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 90

*gasp* No pic today! Too busy, Stella, whingy Scarlett and packing for my trip away tomorrow. I won't be around either for a few days due to said trip but once back . . . maybe a week or two later . . . I will no doubt have a pic for every day I am away. As soon as I come home though I go straight to a photographic workshop about an hour and half drive from home to and from every day for 3 days so I may not update till late next week! I know, it's going to kill my two or so loyal followers!!! Very excited about my trip though, especially the wedding that I get to shoot for, gorgeous location, stunning couple . . . awesome!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 89

It was our second last Stella day today. What a ride! I just love that she has grown to love me and while she is here, is just another of the kids, happiest sitting in the middle of it all being a part of the chaos!

She has bought a lot to our family as well. Before Stella started to visit I had a longing for another baby, I just didn't feel finished. Now, this is nothing bad about Stella at all but I am very happy with just our three now, I just don't think I have it in me to go through the baby/toddler/pre teen etc age for the fourth time. Sure I would always welcome another baby but you can bet it won't be a planned decision lol!!

Josh has loved having another baby in the house. He has always been good with babies(some times too over confident!), he has the patience and already posses the ability to entertain a baby while also watching tv/doing home work/playing xbox etc! In fact quite often Josh is laying down next to Stella watching tv or playing a game, not necessarily interacting with her, just being close. He does this with Scarlett too, it is so loving, Since having Stella he did ask for a brother but when I told him that we don't have a choice and could equally have another girl, he was happy with things as it is!! He is quite funny too, after he gets home from school he asks how my day was with the two girls and seems genuinely interested and concerned if it's been tough!

Isabella has developed patience and a real interest in Stella. While not totally into babies like a lot of other girls her age, she does love Stella and can often be found talking to her and is fabulous at singing to entertain her while I finish getting her bottle etc!

Scarlett, well . . . . wellllll ummmmmm there are some great moments where I am sure that she doesn't completely resent Stella's arrival!! Nah, I'm sure she does love Stella but I am also sure that it is pretty tough to suddenly have to share Mum when you have had complete and utter no access barred time with her usually and then to have to share time/cuddles/learn patience, well yeah, tough.

Day 88

Anyone who knows us, or who even has crossed our paths in the last few months knows we are going through a bit of a rough patch with Scarlett. Every one has a theory why she changed, hey even we do but I honestly don't know, I just hope we figure it out soon!

One of our hardest areas is her embarrassing anti social behaviour. She doesn't tolerate many people, even Josh and Bel are on the receiving end a fair bit. There are a handful of kids her own age that she'll interact with and even then it's hit and miss (thankfully I have VERY understanding friends!). Yesterday at one our weekly after school activities Scarlett actually was friendly and interactive with a little girl her age who we know but who is not on her list. She is the sweetest little girl too and it breaks my heart every time Scarlett screams at her or ignores her. Anyway, photographic evidence, Scarlett looks happy and Miss S doesn't even look frightened! Oh and excuse the photography! Iphone of course and I was too busy watching them that I didn't really line it up too well lol!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 87

Another day, another gorgeous, happy family! This weekend I've spent my time with such lovely, happy couples and families, it's been good for my own well being not to mention my portfolio!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 86

I've been dabbling this weekend, for any photographers out there who may be peaking at this blog, dabbling in Beloved.

I stayed awake half the night listening to Jesh speak and, although I kind of half giggled at some of his thoughts and ideas, I was really taken by his passion and his total belief in this "new genre". In fact I wanted to go out then and there and start shooting! So, if nothing else, listening to him speak sparked my passion again and for that I am grateful that he gave such an open talk about his work and his future.

It was the absolute best Friday night to listen to him as well as I had a few opportunities to give it a whirl this weekend. I don't have permission to share Saturday's couple with you (gorgeous btw and fun!) however I can share both clients today. The first a gorgeous couple with 3 very beautiful children and this afternoon I was invited to photograph a couple on their last weekend before they are married!

Thank you guys for giving me the opportunity to try something different and the opportunity to blog you!

Steph & Rob

Julie & Nik

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 85

I had a great session this afternoon with a lovely couple and their very spirited and fun 2.5 yr old and very gorgeous and smiley 6 month old. However I don't have permission to share those so instead here is a quick pic I took this morning of Scarlett. She was desperate for something in the pantry and Brett couldn't figure it out he stood her on the bench and oh my goodness, it was like all her Christmas' had come at once! He never did figure it out and she lost all interest after being allowed to check things out at her level!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 84

I have a weekend full of clients so the next few days worth of PADs will be half decent! In the meantime, here is a very happy snap of my boy Joshua, suuuuch a good boy at school and recipient of this weeks merit award!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day . . I'm confused?! Something tells me it's day 81?

Nope, according to my diary it's day 82 . . I've seriously lost some days!!

I did some very quick happy snaps of the baby girl tonight as she modeled me her new hat (the hat she chose and then refused to wear as soon as I bought it!).

It's been one of those months with this one however, despite her crazy mood swings and incredible attitude, she is so, so bright and funny and very sweet. So many anecdotes to share but I will narrow it down to 2!

Tonight I asked her to get her PJ's out of her room and she told me she couldn't as there were 'Ceretops" dinosaurs in her room! Another is a funny thing she's been doing lately. When ever she has friends over she asks them to do fashion shows or magic shows with her!

Not so cute is her still hating bedtime and the tears, the pleading and strange and tiring excuses she comes up with every night :(

Day 79

Last night the very first Joey's of the Ellenbrook Scout group had their investiture ceremony (the right lingo?).

Kinda cool to be a part of history!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 78

Today has been very busy doing bits and pieces, almost doesn't feel like a Sunday!

This afternoon we have been looking after our friend's children who are just like sisters to my lot. At one stage they were making homes for ants in an empty snail shell, it's quite funny listening to the schemes and games.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 77

Birthday day finally arrived much to Isabella's delight! I initially edited all the pics in colour but went back and converted them. I liked the b&w versions more so uploaded the colour to FB and here are the B&W ones ........

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 76 I've had a lot going on . . . alright?!

Isabella's party is finally almost here! She has only been planning since her birthday last year!

This year it's a disco theme with glittery silver being the major colour in the theme but of course she also has some pink and purple to break it up a bit.

You know, the planning partr is so much fun, the actual doing part is quite tedious! Last night I had the "fun" of putting the lolly bags together which are actually lolly noodle boxes in purple and silver (although they look grey here). Think 30 boxes and bags and bags of lollies and chocolate, which actually wasn't the worst bit. the most tedious part was closing 30 boxes and adding the straw and pencill!

On Sunday I hope to put up a few pics from the night, the boxes in this pic weren't completely done when I took it this afternoon so will add another of the finished product, we have a big mirror ball, some fabulous lights borrowed from friends, stacks of party food and, if it works out (please, PLEASE let it work out!) a mirror ball cake . . . we'll see though!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 74

I took this yesterday on day 74 however I couldn't edit anything as my hard drive was too full.

I've had a challenging couple of days with these two, actually only with Scarlett and her reaction to having Stella around but for a brief moment yesterday they played happily and I was glad to have captured these kisses as a reminder that deep deep down, really deeeeep down, they must love each other!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 73

I made a trip to office works this morning which is always a dangerous exercise (to the bank balance!). I was on a mission for business things but when I arrived home this afternoon there was no way I could unpack all the lovely new stationary and folders etc on my messy desk. Nope, it was time to take action and reclaim my desk space back!

All things confiscated were either given back to their owners or disposed of, stacks of paperwork filed or thrown and a lovely nice wipe down.

So here it is, my organised desk!

Year sure it's still has the trusty coke zero can on it, all that cleaning worked up a thirst! My necklace is still there too however I decided that it was safe, untangled and STILL THERE, which is unlike what it would be on my dressing table which seems to be fair game these days.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 72

A little deja vu today, worked, same park, same time of day and another lovely family!

Today I photographed brothers and their wives and a very adored little boy! They were such a fun and gorgeous family . . . I am being totally honest when I say that I feel so lucky to have this job!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 71

Day 70 = FAILED

Day 71 I worked which is always a great thing for my photo a day!!

I chose this one as it was the hardest shot to get!! The three kids were gorgeous, too cute but, like all 2.5yr olds, this little one made me work for it! Her older brother was great and loved the camera, her younger brother was also quite tricky but less mobile so a tiny wee bit easier to pin down . . . gotta love 2 year olds!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 69

Yesterday Miss K turned the Big TWO!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 68

My baby girl is sick. It's 'just' a cold but she is very miserable and more like my little baby than she has been for a long time.

Today was a challenge with Scarlett sick and miserable and looking after Stella who was having a clingy day. She's only 7 months old so I expect those days but not together with Scarlett!! So I spent most of the day on the couch with one on each knee cuddling, shushing and the constant looking at the iphone to check the time to see how long till night time (ha ha, no really!!)
We had a crap night last night with Scarlett awake and crying for the most part but tonight she seems calmer and I hope she gets a restful sleep so she can kick it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 67

Another day, another excuse for not doing a proper photo! This one is pretty valid though lol! I had a 7 month old and a 2.5yr old, mothers group to attend, after school activities to attend and then Scarlett became unwell tonight so I've been holding her since 5pm!

But I couldn't resist taking a couple of quick snaps (and I mean quick, bad light, fussy background bad!) when Josh got home from Scouts tonight wearing his new shirt and very excited and having to learn the prayer and the law. I haven't seen him so motivated about anything in a while so it was exciting to see!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 66

I had a fabulous day today, stacks of fun and found my phojo once again . . it had to happen, I was having a bit of a cry about it last night!

Today I photographed a boudoir session with such a stunning bride to be. Everything just worked and adored working on them this afternoon. I can't really show much as they are a gift to her new husband (shhhhhhh!) but I have permission for a sneak peak!

Because I can't help myself!

Day 65

Yep blogged late again but the pic was taken before midnight on day 65!

This is what happens when a certain Missy has a 3 hour afternoon sleep, she crashed out just before midnight and with guilt wracking me about my failing blog, I grabbed my phone and took a pic just before I put her to bed.

This is how she sleeps in our bed, head squished right up against me under my arm or right in my face and feet generally in Brett's direction - he calls me lucky but I have about 1 inch of bed on the other side of me!

And just to show my enthusiasm I have blogged it right away! Although I do feel like a fraud with 2 entries of iphone pics in a row!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 64

Running a little behind again so this is yesterdays photo of the day!
It was one of my oldest (in terms of knowing her, not her age!) friend's birthday yesterday.

Before kids we went out every weekend together and still do see each other regularly but the only time we've had the excuse to get dressed up together in the past 9 years has been for Christenings and . . well that's it!

So last night we got glammed up and went out for dinner and had a ball! Lots of laughs, lots of food and a nice relaxing night.

Excuse the iphone photos, my camera would not have fitted into the super small bag I carried last night - super small, awesome change from my usual sack I drag along with me!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 63

Too busy to plan a photo, in fact I was going to skip today but I thought I would share where I have been living the last few . . . months unless I'm out on a shoot or cleaning (or so it feels like!).
My desk is constantly at a varying degree of clutter full time these days. This is pretty bad although it has been worse (the piles on either side just get bigger lol!).

Thing is, most of it isn't mine, mostly stuff I have confiscated off the kids at some stage during the week!

So to the left: 3 surveys from children's hospitals and universities for ear infections and hospital stays etc that I keep, meaning to fill out but never get around to, a sketch pad for my strikes of brilliance (one page has been drawn in!), the Dymo labeller coonfiscated off each child at some stage, my dairy, a stapler that has never had staples in it, whereis maps for yesterday's wedding and a birthday invitation for a friend of Isabella's.
Middle: Ruler, hole punch (bought with all good intentions of using for Isabella's birthday invitations but idea scrapped), Isabella's birthdays invitations and of course, what every working desk requires, a can of coke zero.
Under monitor: itunes vouchers which I never put in to itunes but still download stacks of music (naughty), pink crystal split pins for Isabella's invitations, strips of glittery card for Isabella's birthday and most importantly, speakers to listen to music. The neclace thing I took off earlier if hanging on the door handle and probably will stay there till I wear it again some time next week!
Right: A whole reem of paper unwrapped confiscated from Scarlett and Isabella, a basket of baby products confiscated from Scarlett, random school photos confiscated from Scarlett, kids home Maths books, Isabella's homework file confiscated from Scarlett and Josh's DSi confiscated from Josh and then from Scarlett! - See, right pile not my fault!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 62

I think I could start every blog these days with "Wow, what a day", and today is no different as I was out all afternoon shooting a lovely wedding.
The gorgeous couple today have been together for some time and chose to have an intimate ceremony. What made today different however is that they got ready together with their parents and daughter and we had some formal shots before we went out into the heat in front of the backdrop.
Congratulations Jaimie & Jenni, you looked stunning and baby Juliana was just stunning!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 61

Some days things just happen that give you a giggle and remind you that your baby is growing up (or thinks she is already grown up!). Today was one of those!

This afternoon, while we were all out the front waving good bye to Karley and Stella, Joshua took the bin down to the road ready for the morning. On turning around, facing back to the house, this is what we saw!

Seems our Scarlett decided that she would help her big brother with the recycle bin and had started moving it down the driveway!

As a comparison, this is how little she is compared to the bin! Don't ask me how she managed to get it tipped down to pull it along but ten points for initiative and trying!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 60

Today I became a Scout Mum! This is all very different for me, I was never involved in anything like this and neither was my brother, although Brett was so luckily Josh will have one parent who knows what's going on! However, instead of Brett who stayed at home with the girls, I went along to photograph the . . . . um . . . . swearing in(?) of the new Joey leader. In the process I caught Josh doing his first salute (salute yes? The three finger thing anyway!). I also think the three boys on the left are cute the way they are concentrating on doing it correctly!