Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 67

Another day, another excuse for not doing a proper photo! This one is pretty valid though lol! I had a 7 month old and a 2.5yr old, mothers group to attend, after school activities to attend and then Scarlett became unwell tonight so I've been holding her since 5pm!

But I couldn't resist taking a couple of quick snaps (and I mean quick, bad light, fussy background bad!) when Josh got home from Scouts tonight wearing his new shirt and very excited and having to learn the prayer and the law. I haven't seen him so motivated about anything in a while so it was exciting to see!


skooterSpeakin said...

If you could clean up that bottom photo it'd be a good ad for the cubs...

Michelle said...

C'mon Scott, I thought you would see the shallow depth of field - it's creative! Actually, I really did actually take it that way so I got the shot in the end that I was after!

However, I do appreciate CC of course so keep it going, it's always good to hear anothers perspective.