My desk is constantly at a varying degree of clutter full time these days. This is pretty bad although it has been worse (the piles on either side just get bigger lol!).
Thing is, most of it isn't mine, mostly stuff I have confiscated off the kids at some stage during the week!

So to the left: 3 surveys from children's hospitals and universities for ear infections and hospital stays etc that I keep, meaning to fill out but never get around to, a sketch pad for my strikes of brilliance (one page has been drawn in!), the Dymo labeller coonfiscated off each child at some stage, my dairy, a stapler that has never had staples in it, whereis maps for yesterday's wedding and a birthday invitation for a friend of Isabella's.
Middle: Ruler, hole punch (bought with all good intentions of using for Isabella's birthday invitations but idea scrapped), Isabella's birthdays invitations and of course, what every working desk requires, a can of coke zero.
Under monitor: itunes vouchers which I never put in to itunes but still download stacks of music (naughty), pink crystal split pins for Isabella's invitations, strips of glittery card for Isabella's birthday and most importantly, speakers to listen to music. The neclace thing I took off earlier if hanging on the door handle and probably will stay there till I wear it again some time next week!
Right: A whole reem of paper unwrapped confiscated from Scarlett and Isabella, a basket of baby products confiscated from Scarlett, random school photos confiscated from Scarlett, kids home Maths books, Isabella's homework file confiscated from Scarlett and Josh's DSi confiscated from Josh and then from Scarlett! - See, right pile not my fault!
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