This was our backyard. The image does not do the rain justice, it was heavy and there was a LOT of it!
Our front yard and road - the water came up to over the footpath so the road was a little flooded.
This was our backyard. The image does not do the rain justice, it was heavy and there was a LOT of it!
Our front yard and road - the water came up to over the footpath so the road was a little flooded.
The second is of Josh and his mates strategising in between laser tag games! See how sweaty and horrible they all are!! Actually I have to add two here as well! Even though the first pic isn't flash, I love the way they are in a huddle with arms around one another! I find it funny and little disturbing that in war they are bound together physically where as ask any of them to hug one another on any other day and you would get a quick YUCK!
Then they had to sit together, again sweaty and hot but huddled so as not to give away their secrets!
And one more cause I just like it! Neither are fab pics I must say but they are pics from today!
This is baby Ewan looking gorgeous and cheeky for the camera! I have a photo of Scarlett around the same area which I love and I love this one too . . . I should probably visit the spot more often!
Thank you so much Jade, this is just too sweet!! The kids thought it was awesome too!
Jade has done some awesome things in the lead up to valentines day, our gift just being one of them. Check out her blog: http://www.beyondthebaby.com.au/superorganisermum/ !
I was going to pop in a black and white one but I seem to be a b&w processing mood these days so decided to go for colour in today's blog post.
This one of the pieces which was very James Bond, came in it's own metal brief case!
(For the rule followers out there, I have a property release form allowing me to publish these pics!)
This pic was taken after the class had finished which is why Scarlett was in there grooving but the music stayed on for a bit longer so the kids rocked on for a bit!
This picture is just because I can lol!
This picture is quite funny to me. I did have half a thought of taking the kids to Maccas on the way home because I had a but of a rush to get ready myself for Zumba later this evening. The kids were quite ratty on the way home though so I was grumpy and said no Maccas, inside thinking that it was a pretty bad choice to have even thought about it in the first place - oops! So instead they had fruit and salad and chicken, much healthier AND they loved it!
Still clean, just through the gate and had all just been given the rules for the day (only 2 rules -listen and do what I say!)
Just after this was taken a large kangaroo moseyed on past and freaked the daylights out of the kids for a second . . I mean, what on earth was an animal doing walking around a zoo lol!
In front of the Numbat enclosure . . . which we couldn't actually see because it seems they are afraid of noise and, well, 6 kids = noise!
The last pic before icecream and playground time! I am wondering though if they wanted a pic here just for a rest?!
Earlier in the evening they all sat and watched a movie with some chips and lollies! After the movie the 4 big kids crashed on the blow up mattress they are pictured sitting on here and the babies......
Are sleeping side by side on mattresses in Scarlett's room! So, so cute!
This is miss giggly mid giggle! Two seconds later we bumped heads again and it was back to square one! Ah well, will try to find that laugh again later!!