So in a bit of a flap with more groceries to buy, the Dora Ap that they had been hammering on Foxtel flashed in my brain and I decided to give it a whirl. I would have paid thousands for it but the lovely people at Nickelodeon only charged me $2.95 - $2.95 for some peace and quiet - what wonderful people! (Yeah yeah I know Scott, it's because of these people that our kids brains are turning to mush and rely on these things where as back in our day . . . . . well it's not our day lol!).
Anyway, since it's been downloaded, little miss tries to sneak off with my phone at any chance she can get! Last night at a family dinner she was quite happy perched on her Dad's knee playing with it. I have to admit, it is quite cute and fascinating that she knows exactly how to work my phone to find and play with the game and also to get into my itunes and listen to music!

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