Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36

What a loooong but fun 24 hours! After our late bedtime last night, ALL of the kids were up at the absolute crackers this morning (FIVE FOURTY FIVE!) and boy were they awake! I guess the upside of this is that we all had a cooked breakfast, were all showered, dressed, hair done, snacks and drink bottles filled and at the zoo 45 minutes away by 10:30am!

I was never worried about taking the 6 kids to the zoo with only Brett and I as supervising adults and nor should I have! They were all excellently behaved, not an argument, barely a complaint and lots of fun was had! We wearily (Brett and I, the kids were still rocking!) pulled back into our driveway at 6pm tonight and are now chilling out before bed. Fingers crossed that the kids have a bit of a sleep in tomorrow, they need it!

Only happy snaps today, the kids suggested all of photos I took, otherwise I may not have bothered getting the camera out (I would have used the good old iphone though which is much lighter!). So even though the kids looks less than thrilled in some pics, they asked for them!

We just arrived all clean and fresh (oh golly did the kids get filthy throughout the day!)

Still clean, just through the gate and had all just been given the rules for the day (only 2 rules -listen and do what I say!)

Just after this was taken a large kangaroo moseyed on past and freaked the daylights out of the kids for a second . . I mean, what on earth was an animal doing walking around a zoo lol!

In front of the Numbat enclosure . . . which we couldn't actually see because it seems they are afraid of noise and, well, 6 kids = noise!

The last pic before icecream and playground time! I am wondering though if they wanted a pic here just for a rest?!

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